Well, the videos for the vlog got off to a semi-rocky start, but I think we've now found our groove thanks to comment posters. While first year at Deacon's Walk day (whatever) sounded interesting and I was trying to model my vlog after the guys at ASU, I think there is much mystery surrounding my neighborhood, house, and inhabitants that's too good to pass up. We are now Lost in Deacon's Walk.
Subscribe and comment, as I love hearing from all of you. It's been a fun project, and hopefully it will only get better with time. Here's a link to what you might have missed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyDDuGGLZQ4
Last night Black Taco (Mickey) and Battlecat were engaged in a battle royale downstairs. Lots of noise was heard; as you saw I was attempting to contact Chloe O'Brian for help a la Jack Bauer but was unsuccessful initially. 24 was trying to invade a world of Lost and it kind of worked initially, but we realized we were in the wrong show.
In the video we were able to reach Chloe, who informed us of a silence downstairs that was eerie. More comments and subscribers came to the Vlog, and I think it was the best video yet, despite one of my viewers bemoaning a lack of production value and my intentionally backwards sign. But when you're dealing with others, other others (cats), and possible smoke monsters and other mayhem in the hatch (to be introduced tonight I hope), production value matters less.
We either live together, or die alone. The saga continues tonight and I'm not sure what we will encounter when we attempt to enter the hatch. The hatch, you say? Yes, the door was welded shut and Taco had to use the litter box, so he improvised by exploding something since he couldn't get through.
And now we have another area to explore tonight. Hopefully the other others will make an appearance and perhaps we can finally understand them.
One of my viewers suggested a rap battle between myself and Battlecat, but as I already told them, even in the mysterious place of Deacon's Walk cats can't rap. And neither can I. But, stranger things have happened. Tune in tonight at I'm not sure what time, but definitely closer to 7 or 8 pm. If you like these videos, subscribe!!
keep em coming jack