As I mentioned yesterday with my blog on fiat currency, you need to start protecting yourself for the future in case the economy gets worse. Word has it in inner circles of Bilderberg (look it up and form your opinion about it) there was a debate ongoing among the power elite whether to have the world suffer a slow, painful recession drawn out over many years, or a Great Depression that went for the jugular and hurt people much more quickly.
It appears, at least for now, that we are in the midst of a longer and soon to be worse recession. If you read the news, the World Bank (think one-world banking system) has scaled back its economic growth prospects for developed nations in the Eurozone and the United States. A lot. If that doesn't hint of recession coming in fuller force, I don't know what does.
The dollar, incidentally, has lost over 41% of its value in the past ten years alone. Other currencies are gradually climbing against it in value, if you take a look at the foreign exchange (forex) charts. In other words, it seems like each day the dollar is losing value, even in small bits.
But how can you protect yourself? Here are some ways...
1. In the short term, invest in foreign currency. If you have the ability, open up an Everbank account. They have CDs available in 3, 6, 9, and 12 month terms in the currency of your choice. They also offer CDs labeled "Market Basket" CDs that are a few different currencies at varying percentages. For example, you could buy an Emerging Markets CD with 40% Brazilian Real, 30% South African Rand, and 30% Indian Rupee. It's a good hedge against the dollar.
However, if you cannot or do not open a CD, even exchanging some of your money at your local bank for Swiss francs and Norwegian kroner (my favorites) just to have that alternative currency is a good idea. If you have pounds or euros left over from a recent trip to Europe, I would either convert them at your bank or at least take the cash and invest them in something else.
It might be a little more costly to get the francs, but your dollar gets you 5.8 kroner as of early morning today. Check your exchange rates. If the dollar does melt down at least you'll have something to use for exchange.
2. Buy gold and silver! I know gold is expensive at the moment, but its value usually increases inversely with the dollar. Why do you think your purchasing power with a dollar is so low, while gold has skyrocketed? Silver is also extremely cheap right now ($40 or so per ounce), and its value is also related inversely to the dollar. You can expect it to go up much more in the future.
Also, cash for gold is a SCAM!!! Not only do most of the companies short you (go to a bank or to a local, reputable coin dealer if you need the scratch that badly). These people only want your gold and silver because they know you're desperate for dollars, and they can sell it easily for a 10-20% markup to someone else.
3. If you can, pay off additional mortgage principal or, if possible, try to pay off your mortgage commitment in the next few years. Real Estate is a GREAT tangible asset to have. And one more thing.
The mortgage game...doesn't it seem unfair (we know bankers love their money) that by the end of your lifetime after you've taken out, let's say, a $100,000 mortgage, that you pay 2 to 3 times that back to the bank for the privilege of them "lending" you the money? That, to me, if we're speaking about the power elite, seems like the greatest con of all. We accept it as adults if we can afford to buy a home because we learn that that is what one does.
You need to get a mortgage, but why? Well, your parents did, their parents did, etc. It's quite normal, but think about the actual financial burden placed on you for life assuming a 30 year loan. It's a lot and I think more and more people are realizing this. It's often called the "middle class trap," but how is it avoidable? It's not really, for almost all of us. Sad but true.
4. Spend your dollars while you have them. Tangible property is going to be HUGE in the future! Treat yourself now. Refinish that basement. Buy that refrigerator. Remodel that deck. Everything that people deem to be valuable (nice houses, gold, silver, foreign currency) has worth because people will always believe it to be, regardless of the economy.