A week ago, I said that I was going to write about a few topics of potential interest to conspiracy theorists, and I decided for this entry I would write about the Illuminati through the guise of our financial system. Again, only you can think for yourself and decide whether or not so-called "Illuminati" exist in your construct, but for now enjoy the ride and let's get to it.
Who are the Illuminati?
The Illuminati is a term given to any number of secret societies who work behind the scenes and who allegedly hope to establish a new world order with one government. More importantly they hope to establish a one world fiat (paper) currency for the world to use, according to some. Unlike today's currencies, though, this currency would be backed by something.
While I am not certain about the idea of ultimately having a one-world government, I do believe that the modern day Illuminati could be construed as bankers and governments, working together to control the money supply.
Think about this: we have been raised in a capitalist society where our core values as Americans are to make as much money as we can and buy as many things as we can, even if we don't need them. Spending money makes us happy, even if it means working longer hours and sacrificing time with the family unit or our own health so that we can gain wealth.
I again post, for your information, a picture of our one dollar bill as seen above, and below it, an Illuminati symbol:
Whether or not you believe in the catchall phrase Illuminati to describe what is going on in our world right now economically and politically, I do find it creepy that the symbol the Federal Reserve (something that is technically unconstitutional...look it up!) chose to use on our money is similar to a key Illuminati symbol. Do you hold US dollars, or federal reserve dollars? Look carefully.
That brings me to the main point that I wanted to write about, which is that this power elite we see before us on the news, led by Ben Bernanke, the World Bank, the IMF (International Monetary Fund, or Illuminati Monetary Fund to some), and others in the Bilderberg group, seem to think that printing more Euros, dollars, or [name that currency!] is going to solve the debt crisis in Europe and the building one in the United States.
"Money" is what these people tell you it is. It used to be that most paper currency was backed by some measure of gold, silver, or other commodity. What is today's money backed by anywhere in the world? Faith in banks and the financial systems that surround them, I suppose.
Since the Roman Empire it has been shown that fiat currency fails at some point, as mounting debt cannot simply be eradicated by printing more money (think the Fed's new panacea, "Quantitative Easing"). The debt is eventually so unsustainable that the paper currency ends up being worth only the paper it's written on, literally, at the end of its lifespan.
I've been doing a lot of research on this lately and it appears that two very important events are happening concurrently: one is the devaluation of the dollar, and the second is the rise in prices of commodities, particularly metals. In the end, those metals and other commodities are really going to be the only thing that have intrinsic value and will help get you through an economic crunch.
From what I've been reading, the devaluation of the Euro throughout this European debt crisis is eventually going to lead to its demise. The demise of the dollar may still be a few years off, but it seems that it will follow the fall of the Euro at some point. As you know the dollar is the world's reserve currency at the moment, so if the dollar collapses, other world currencies will follow.
What do we do then? Remember, I am just presenting a different side of an argument and it is up to you whether or not to believe it. I do believe, as history has shown time immemorial, that we will see an end to fiat currencies some day. So I do hold some stock in what others are saying. I hold enough stock in it that tomorrow I will be writing of things that YOU can get now as an alternative to insure yourself against any monetary meltdown [insert capitalist irony here].
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