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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First Year at Deacon's Walk/LOST in Deacon's Walk

So the vlog has been going a lot better lately, mainly because I have gotten back to basics in keeping with the video styling of Mr. Ethan M. Roth and his ASU vlog.  This was at the request of MoreBattleCat, so last night's video was more about my day, upcoming events, and a couple of things that annoyed me. Again, MoreBattleCat asked so I shared.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF2M9mjcx8Q

I had said in the beginning I wasn't sure what this blog was going to be about; I did the Lost in Deacon's Walk video on Monday night because I wanted to be creative and different.  Who knows?  Maybe I will intersperse more ideas and themes from Lost as it applies to my house and to the neighborhood of Deacon's Walk.

So at least for last night, the WaWa Initiative could wait; I'm sure we will explore it in other videos.  I discussed the estate and special needs trust, and the problems of my students texting in class last night.  To catch up, here is the link.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zjx2rBt7Ek

One thing I do wish I knew how to better do was edit videos, but I just found a feature on youtube called video editor, so maybe I'll check it out tonight and see if it will help.  Myself talking might be interesting to some, but I've got to spice it up and make it different somehow. 

So that was the video two days ago.  If you saw it and didn't know me, you might think I was a weirdo. But I'm not.  Trust me.  At least I don't think so, although others might disagree.  Ethan M. Roth (second from left) and crew: they do an interesting youtube video channel so subscribe!

Next, if I may, I'd like to put a plug in for my videos.  I'd love to have more subscribers to my youtube channel and I'd like you all to see me in action.  Even if you're bored, subscribe once, and then delete all subsequent alerts that I've posted videos, that's ok.  But at least give them a try.

After an irksome experience in the testing center today with one particularly ignorant male student trying to showcase bravado, tonight I will discuss this further along with much much more!  Please watch and subscribe!!!! I thank you, Husky Taco thanks you, as do Battlecat and Mickey. 

Also, just got an invite to Google+ and am uber excited!  If anyone wants an invite let me know and have a great day!

Battlecat's sister, Oreo


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